The goal of Fortress is to make it easier for users of this platform with the technology it offers. Fidelium's Fortress Online Trading System (OTS) offers ways to improve price differences by providing access to worldwide exchanges on a single platform. You will be able to check different prices with certain coins traded on different exchanges, determine which exchange offers the best price, and make trades that suit any exchange you want.
Having access to various exchanges around the world has never been so important in the crypto currency market. With "Fortress", you can swap crypto at any exchange you want, without any hassle, or time delay, which allows you to maximize your crypto-card trade.
Fortress brings different exchanges around the world together into one platform, and gives it at your fingertips. You can buy the crypto you want in a supported exchange, and sell it on any exchange, even if it is not an exchange you buy, as shown in the picture below.
Featured Features Fortress
Currently existing features are still in the development / design of prototypes for the ease and smoothness of the process expected by the team as shown below and do not close the possibility will be different after the next development.
At the top is the "Cryptocurrency Price Ticker" showing the largest price difference between different exchanges like BTC, ETH, BCC, LTC and others with the balance of the coin account. (If you do not have litecoin, your balance will only show zero, you can also choose which coins you want to display in the settings menu.)
How does Crypto Trading Platform Fidelium Cross Exchange?
Three factors that strengthen Fidelium Debit Card should be multi-coin purse applications, cash providers and OTS cryptocurrency. Ultimately, these factors are needed to prevent potential losses from market fluctuations and coin values, improve security and ensure theft does not occur. Consumers may be confused how the Fidelium debit card is different from that provided by the bank. The only difference is, the bank card contains the money, while Fidelium does not have it.
When making a purchase with Fidelium Debit Card, a secure API will be created to communicate information separately to the debit card network on the Fidelium side. As a result, the transaction will not be complete until the cardholder will correctly accept and follow the procedure to use the API. This is more likely to prevent theft, as additional steps must be taken in a separate app to process the money, while the current bank card needs only one tap.
What does Fidelium have in the future?
Based on the allegations made, Fidelium is considering developing a system that allows consumers to use cryptocurrency to trade stocks and options. This purpose will explain the various uses of cryptocurrency and can dispel doubts that one can have about its reliability. Secondly, there are plans involving sweepstakes and sweepstakes, online casinos, providing support to get started and making donations provide an easier task as well.
Fidelium is one of the few cryptocurrency industries that hopes to use tokens, in addition to being able to buy, hold and then sell them for profit. The overall success depends on the store owner and the service provider because if they do not agree to accept cryptocurrency as a method of payment, the use of Fidelium Debit Card and possibly a digital token may fail. Their future goals must be ambitious. Finally, Fidelium transparency is up to the task, as they provide every detail detail that can be understood by all levels of cryptocurrency experience. For more information, see Fidelium white paper.
Program Overview
Let's take a look at the Citadel. Please keep in mind the image below is a screenshot of Fortress, which is in the prototype development / design stage. So, it may look different when released.

At the top is the "Cryptocurrency Price Ticker" (figure 3) shows the largest price difference between different exchanges, along with the account balances of the coins. (If you do not have litecoins, your balance will only show zero, you will also be able to choose which coins you want to display in the settings menu.)
If you click on the "Choose Exchange" button, you will be presented with a pop-up window below.
Here, you can choose which assets you want to spend, the coins you want to buy, and specify which exchanges you want to sell or buy.

Number. 6 is an example when you will choose Bitcoin to trade at Fortress.
We want to present practical solutions to enable real-life cryptocurrency expenditure. So we see how we spend money in everyday life, and the answer becomes very clear. Most of our expenses are made through our credit / debit card. The only time we actually used the cash was when we split the bill. Even then, some of us will only send money through our bank or other P2P payment applications. In addition to saving cash for emergencies, we do not use "money" in our lives.
So, we decided to look into the debit card system. Being able to spend cryptocurrency by simply swiping a debit card would be a very simple and easy way for people to spend cryptocurrency in real life.

While the back-end structure is somewhat complicated, the basic idea is very similar to how normal debit cards work. The difference is that if a regular debit card, issued by your bank, will withdraw funds from your checking account, Fidelium debit cards will withdraw funds from your cryptocurrency balance.
- The multi-cryptocurrency coin purse application is integrated with debit card network.
- Liquidity Provider, guarantee transaction.
- Benteng - Cryptocurrency OTS Fidelium, fully integrated with our website / app
Citadel, OTS Cross Value (Online Trading System)
As stated earlier in the white paper, users will be able to purchase, and / or sell various crypto currencies in various exchanges around the world through the Citadel, "check the image below ..."

The castle also has other important goals. This allows us to sell cryptocurrency in a timely fashion to cover the cost of debit card transactions. Without it, we will not be able to provide a stable liquidity for Fidelium debit cards.
Until Fortress is completed, tested, and released, the Fidelium app will be integrated into the cryptocurrency currency exchange we have chosen for us to complete the amount of the debit transaction.
Click-to-Order System
One of the best features of Fortress Fidelium is its ordering system. In many other exchanges, you have to type in the price manually, and the amount to send the order. However, at Fortress, you can submit orders just by clicking a few buttons. You can enter an order of market price as well as a limit order. By using a slider, or percentage button, you can easily set the percentage of spending assets you want to spend, and click on the "Buy Market Price" button, or the "Sell Market Price" button to order right at the market price. . If you want something more precise but still comfortable to put in your order, there is our "Click Order System." After setting the percentage of spending assets, you can simply click the price ticker table below to apply for a buy or sell order. Even using this method, you can choose whether to enter market price order or limit order by clicking on the appropriate column. You can set whether you want to use single or double clicks when entering orders.
Just by looking at the price ticker box, you can actually learn a bit.
First, the bid (buy order) is green, while the ask (sell orders) is red.
The current market trading price is marked with a yellow box, for both exchanges you set. The green and red bars indicate the order accumulates at that price.
By being able to visualize this, users can easily determine what order prices are formed, along with whether there is more buying or selling at a glance, providing insight into where they should position themselves.
Access to more coins
Having access to exchanges around the world means access to a wider range of crypto than usual. For example, let's say you want to buy a crypto called "XYZ." If your exchange does not offer crypto, only options you have to create an account on the exchange that offers "XYZ," through a veritable verification process, funds transfer in the form of cryptocurrency, and trade "XYZ." The problem is that the verification process can take anywhere from one week to a month, long enough to lose the opportunity because you do not have access to "XYZ." With Fortress, as long as the exchange is supported inside the Citadel, you will be able to swap "XYZ" without creating an account new or through the verification process. That means you do not need to be left out just because your local exchange does not include the coins you want. To offer such a profitable trading environment, we plan to periodically add support for more exchanges to offer a greater variety of crypto to our platform users.
Currency Support
FiatInti from providing access to many exchanges at the same time not only to help merchants make more profitable trades. The most important thing is to facilitate access to the exchanges, recognize local fiat currency based on the cryptocurrency market used in day-to-day transactions and offer Fidelium debit cards for smaller transactions in life, but people can still withdraw funds to their bank accounts directly . That is why we plan to incorporate in selected regions around the world to support the money savings and currency withdrawals in the region, depending on the rules and status of the merge in its territory as well. Currently, we are incorporated in the United States, and plan to expand to South Korea, China, Japan, and other cryptocurrency markets.
Further support, we will conduct due diligence in relation to market activity and volume, as well as regional regulations and trends.
Local Servers around the world
Stable connection and low latency between users and servers is an important factor in the trading platform. This is even more so when it comes to the cryptocurrency market, where fluctuations are even more unstable than traditional markets. While internet connections around the world faster. Natural disasters that can disrupt performance are a concern over a single network and server.
To solve that problem, we plan to operate multiple servers in different regions around the world. While providing protection against natural disasters, and allowing us to offer stable connections and lower latency to our platform users. Factors that determine the quality of connections: Weather, infrastructure, hardware, and distance.Although we can not do much about the weather, or infrastructure, at least we can reduce the distance between users and servers by operating multiple servers around the world. Users will be able to connect to the server that offers the fastest and the most stable connection. If the server is interrupted, whether it is for maintenance, or because of a natural disaster, users can still connect to our platform through other servers that offer stable and low latency connections.
Fidelium Token - FID Summary
Fidelium Token "FID" is the token of ERC20 Ethereum, with total mint 300.000.000 FID.
Soft and hard caps are set at 38,000,000 FIDs (about 10 million USD), 150,000,000 FIDs (about 47 million USD), respectively.
Any and all funds passed hard cap will be returned to the wallet address sent from them. Cryptocurrency received is Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin, and DASH.

Structure Token Overview
A total of 300,000,000 token Fidelium will be printed, and 150,000,000 of them will be available for token sales.
The entire token allocation is shown below.

A total of 50% of all tokens made will be allocated for sale.
A total of 30% of all tokens will be used for various marketing purposes.
Fidelium will only save 10% of total token as company backup.
The remaining 10% will be allocated to our team.
In total, 80% of all tokens will be released to the public.
Allocation of Token Sales Fund
The funds we collect from the sale of tokens should be allocated as below.

The lion's share, 45% of the funds will be allocated for platform development, which includes Benteng Online Trading System and mobile application development.
The equivalent portion will be spent on marketing for the Fidelium platform. This includes both online and offline marketing campaigns. 15% will be used for our affiliate partners, and 5% for legal counsel.
For Promotion and Offline Tests, we will set up offline stores to thoroughly test our services in real life and run promotions to further deploy the Fidelium brand. The last 5% will be used to make donations to various charitable organizations and institutions.


Website: https://fidelium.io
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/FideliumToken/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/FideliumToken
Telegram: https://t.me/fideliumtoken
Kakaotalk: https://open.kakao.com/o/gd7QQ0E
author: muhammadsosa
eth: 0x8056b4866D50eBCE01D33EDc967D38a6Bf724420
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