HADA DBANK is the first digital bank to combine Islamic banking module and block chain technology to create ethical banks and responsible ecosystems. We are currently uncomfortable with customer maltreatment of banks and financial institutions. There are players who earn rare money because of debt and interest. For this reason, the world economy has collapsed since the first century. The lack of accountability of the bank is very brave. So we make banks, banks and individuals to be part of the existing financial revolution
Management and personal information: These are our core values that affect and shape the services, processes, interactions, and business performance. It will lead our organization internally and act externally to our customers and communities. We want to be a bank that is interested in improving people's lives, not profit. Personalization will also be the focus of our services. Different customers have different needs and require different interests and services. DBANK HADA needs to adjust because every employee thinks they can wear the same pants.
We want to be a 'fair' organization in the financial industry. The 2007-2008 financial crisis irresponsibly says that some actors act as a bad signal and millions of people can replace entire industries by preserving financial assets. The concept of transparency, income and loss sharing hinder market manipulation and eliminate all other Domino conflicts.
What is the purpose of the bank in our lives? This is the key to our financial life. In serving our financial needs, he deserves his share and has taken an important position in our lives. Today we can not imagine our lives without their banks and services, but things have changed several years ago. The fundamental purpose or objective of the Bank is to bridge the lack of trust among people. They need a third party that can provide credibility for transactions in the financial world. And banks have been doing it for decades, but it's time to change the status quo of the traditional banking system.
People have developed new products that can end the monopoly of the bank and bring confidence and transparency into the system, which traditional world banks have in small quantities. Despite the introduction of blockchain technology, which aims to revolutionize banking and financial institutions, the introduction of technology is becoming very slow. The banks are currently in the experimental stage with the latest technology.
Some banks try to adapt it to their needs, while others reject the idea behind blockchain technology. Currently, there is a need for a new age banking that will bring new capabilities based on the latest technology. Those who remain in the traditional way will inevitably lose a new opportunity. Do you think there is room for new age banking skills?
With secure and fast blockchain technology, We will create a Shariah banking platform based on Blockchain technology that will accommodate every need of your banking, and certainly care more about you. We also develop some features that will accommodate your banking needs, such as Free Encrypted & e-Wallet Accounts, Saves & Withdrawals, Transfers, Shipping & Exchange, Loans & Investment, and Real-Time Payments. You can transact more safely and quickly with the Free Encrypted & e-Wallet Account We Provide, so that every transaction you make is safer because with support from Blockchain Technology we use. You can also save and withdraw funds at a minimum rate of 5% per annum and there is no deduction on each withdrawal. Any Transfers, Money Transfers & Exchanges you make will not be charged with Blockchain Technology, so you can trade more freely and definitely safer. The loan you are requesting will also not be subject to interest and 10% minimum investment return. Your payment will also be faster with Real-Time Payment technology using HADACoin and Cryptocurrency / Token via our Debit Card.

With all these features, we also develop a program that will record all your transaction activity, remind you of bills etc, and prepare the long-term planning you want, We call this program by the name of HUDA BOT.

Mission HadaDBank
We aim to be your financial partner, not just the financial institution you use for the transaction. Our main mission is to build the digitalization of sharia-based banking that has 2 main values: personal and caring to our customers. Our core values are personal and caring, that is, shaping and influencing our services, transactions, interactions, and running of the business. These words will guide our behavior internally within our organization, and externally guide our behavior with our customers and society. We aspire to be a bank that really cares to improve people's lives, not just profit from it. Personalization will also be the main focus of our services. Every customer has different needs and requires different services and attention. HadaDBank's customers will have customized services,
Why Should HadaDBank?
Surely you are thinking about "what exactly does HadaDBank offer to customers?" Is HadaDBank only for Muslims? We have a simple reason. Our company aspires to be a 'fair' organization in the financial industry. HadaDBank is a banking platform for everyone regardless of religion, race, or belief.
When viewed the financial crisis 2007-2008 that occurred serve as a grim reminder that is how some irresponsible banks make millions of people experiencing financial crisis. HadaDBank is a transparent sharia banking, has a profit-sharing concept and a loss that will minimize market manipulation and eliminate other domino clashes.
Islamic banks have their own advantages that are less risky and tougher than conventional banks due to the aspect of bank capital requirements and the mobilization of their savings. Unlike Conventional Banking, depositors of Sharia Banks are entitled to be notified by banks about what banks do with their money. They also have a voice / opinion in which their money should be invested. Sharia banks also seek to avoid interest at all levels of financial transactions and promote risk sharing between lenders and borrowers.
Regardless of the Muslim population of 1.7 Billion and billions of others who prefer to subscribe to Islamic Banking services, DBANK HADA will also focus on a population of 644.1 million people in Southeast Asia (ASEAN).
Interesting facts about ASEAN:
- Has a population that is not budgeted about 438 million.
- More than half of the population in ASEAN is under 30 years of age.
- Has a market penetration of 854 million smartphones or 133% compared to the population, but only 53% of ASEAN population online, leaving significant room for future market expansion in Indonesia.
- Free Encrypted Accounts and e-Wallet
- Savings and Withdrawals
- Transfers, Remittances, and Exchange
- Loans and Investments
- Real-Time Payments
Price PREICO 1 HADA = 0.0005 - 0.000625 ETH
Bonus Available
Platform ether
Accept ETH
Soft cap 500 ETH
Hard cap 50,000 ETH
Country Malaysia

To support platform development and provide project encouragement, they do ICO. A total of 500 million HADACOIN will be created and 295 million will be used for Crowdsale. 55% of the total coins are distributed to the public. The funds will be used for platform research and development.
You want to increase e-money by 2018. 30% of the funds are used for operational expenditures. The team behind the platform is a group of experts in finance, economics and technology. They have tried to strike a balance in the world of banking and technology, taking into account Islamic law. We look forward to unique and fresh access to banking.
HADACoin Distribution
Price of HADACoins during Pre-ICO
- 35%: Capital collected by PRA-ICO will be allocated for research and development.
- 30%: For Operational Cost.
- 20%: For Capital Expenditure.
- 30%: For DBANK HADA Reserves.

The world has recognized the strength of decentralization and smart contracts in light of the flood of applications and startups in recent years. While cryptocurrency can serve as an important indicator, it may not illustrate a complete picture of blockchain technology. Technology that serves humanity is technology and sustainable platforms such as DBANK HADA is exploring mass adoption of technology.
Nothing can be more satisfying than knowing that the products you make serve a greater purpose in the growth of mankind. The future is determined by the use of appropriate technology. Under Islamic law, there are two basic principles for banking. The first is profit and loss sharing and the second is to share interests with customers. The Bank has followed the principles of true Islamic banking to meet the needs of the community. I think they are ready to start a new chapter in the banking industry.
ANN Thread Bitcointalk: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=2607739.0
Website: https://www.hada-dbank.com/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/HadaDBank
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/hadadbank/
Telegram: https://t.me/HADADBank
author: muhammadsosa
eth: 0x8056b4866D50eBCE01D33EDc967D38a6Bf724420
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