Smart Containers Group is a provider of high-tech Swiss containers that aims to create the first fully autonomous container based on blockchain technology, consequently disrupting the logistics industry. Locklock-based software and IoT infrastructure are at the core of the Smart Containers Group, a powerful technology platform, enabling it to track and monitor every container worldwide and make Smart Containers Group the largest provider of IoT air freight containers on the market. Smart containers incorporate advanced container technology and IOT sensors integrated into the logistics ecosystem. Automatic fully automatic container solution for paperless service. All on blockchain. Using blockchain as a transformative technology in the field of logistics, Smart Containers Group is driven by opportunities to create LOGI CHAIN, a fully integrated, seamless logistics ecosystem that will be accessible to all industry players at minimal cost. Therefore, Smart Containers Group will lead the way towards more efficient, client-centered, and cost-effective industry standards.
Every year, pharmaceuticals, food, textiles, and other companies suffer heavy losses due to non-compliance with the provisions of freight transport. Violating temperature regime, moisture conditions, damaging packing of goods and so on ... But even small fluctuations can damage goods, especially those related to drugs. According to research in that year, losses due to improper transportation reached 16 billion dollars a year. Think about this number! All losses are naturally covered by price entrainment and, therefore, fall on our shoulders.
Smart Container Group Swiss logistics company, which handles the delivery of medicines and food products, has created solutions based on smart containers. This is the introduction of the most modern technology of the XXI century in the field of logistics.
Smart Containers patented dozens of innovations that soon, can be used to transport valuable and fragile goods. The company will provide its "smart container" IOT sensor (a sensor IOT - a device that measures the physical characteristics of an object or environment (eg, temperature, pressure, presence of dirt in the air, position in space, etc.) and transforms it into a convenient form for more processed further.), GPS chips, therefore it would be possible to track the transport and location of each particular container.

The entire system will function on the basis of blockchain technology, which frees employees from paper tape. It will also reduce the percentage of errors caused by human factors. All the charm of the blockade, namely: security, openness and eternity will be fully revealed.

LOGI coin is the currency that will be paid by smart transactions.
SMARC COIN - required for scaling and profit.
How Blockchain Technology Can Benefit Logistics?
Transparency for customers. With blockchain technology, customers will be able to see every part of their product journey before arriving at their hands. Transparency for auditors. Because transaction history is locked in every block, the auditor will have an easier time understanding where the goods and resources have gone. This helps supply chain leadership, as C-level executives understand how to make supply chains more efficient and productive. Greater security. This technology will enable supply chain companies to identify fraud attempts more easily.
How does a Smart Container Work?
Physical logistics units (ie, containers, parcels, products, etc.) Reflected as virtual chips on Blockchain infrastructure. A virtual chip is available for a minimum fee for each user. Different materials and attributes can be connected to chips and accessible to parties involved in the process (customs, freight forwarders, contractors, shippers, buyers, agent warehouses). Some materials are open to the public and visible to everyone. in public blocks such as Ethereum. Other materials that are more sensitive and personal will require Blockchain infrastructure like Fabric or Corda. Various parties in the transport process will access the document through open source readers. This ecosystem will produce significant effects such as reducing costs, reducing transport delays, and reducing CO2 emissions by eliminating uncoordinated paper and email. Finally, though, it will make separate delivery packages automatically billed via smart contracts and paid in crypto currency. Last but not least, it will allow action when problems occur in the supply chain process, such as information available in real time to stakeholders.
Why should you invest in a Smart Container?
Smart Containers Group is a company established and operating with revenue. Most other ICOs have only one idea and one white paper. Smart Containers Group is a high-tech Swiss company, financed by investments from high-income individuals and family offices. SmartCain Containers Group's SkyCell has nearly 100 patents and two strategic partners, Emirates and Cargolux, which allows our Blockchain technology to directly access the industry. They will build a strong and profitable logistics system. They have a proven track record of hardware. They focus on software. ICO Details: TBA SMARC CoinTicket: SMARCToken type: ERC20ICO Token Price: 1 SMARC = 0,432 USDTotal Token Supply: 150,000,000 Available for Sales Token: 80% Received: ETH Pre-Sales: mid March, by invitation. 25% Discount Crowd Sale: End of March; 11% token First third: -15% discountSecond third: -10% discountMinimum third: -5% discount LOGI Coin Ticket: Type LOGITokEN: ERC20ICO Token Price: 1 LOGI = 0,285 USDTotal Token Supply: 100.000.000Available for Sale Token: 20% Accept: ETH Pre-Sale: mid-March, upon invitation. 25% Discount Crowd Sale: End of March; 11% First token: -15% Second discount, -10% discountMinimum third: -5% discount.
ICO Condition:
Token name
Price SMARC - 1 SMARC = 0,432 USD
Hard cap 36,000,000 USD
Token name
Price LOGI - 1 LOGI = 0.285 USD
Hard stamp 4,000,000 USD
Platform - Ethereum
Accepted for ETH investment, BTC,
developer of Fiat Country - Switzerland
Minimum deposit at token sale stage - $ 500
Use the accumulated funds
Continuous and integrated delivery process by placing all relevant documents in blockchain.
In my opinion, this project promises, because it solves important problems and it must be admitted that it is done well. The Earth population grows every day and the logistics business will only grow. To reduce losses, the company must continue to improve and Smart Contain goes in the right direction. Bribes are still the fact that the company already has serious experience in this field, and it is not a simple start. I will follow the progress of the project.
Nico Ros Chief Technical Officer and Co-Founder
Andreas Ernst Chief Financial Officer
Thomas Taroni IT Manager
Karla Bünger Marketing and Business Development Manager
Strategic consultant:
Oliver Bussmann is the CEO and founder of Bussmann Advisory, former director of information technology at UBS and SAP, and president of the Crypto Valley Association.
Strategic consultant:
Mark Bettinger, alias Altcoindad (former owner of Der Altcoinspekulant), specialist and investor Altcoin and Blockchain, joint venture Altcoin Meetup Switzerland (Bitcoin-Switzerland Association).
Technology partner:
Lykke Corp., our highly trusted expert in ICO intellectual programming and ICO work.
Law advisor:
Gabriela Hauser-Spüler is part of the MME team, a well-known law firm in encrypted space.
Consultant for Communication:
David Waxman and Emma Walker from Wachsman PR, the most experienced community relations agency in the crypt community.
TELEGRAM: https://t.me/smartcontainers
WHITE PAPER: https://smartcontainers.ch/assets/20180208_smartcontainers_whitepaper_v1.pdf
ANN THREAD: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=3058528.0
BOUNTY THREAD: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=3211636.0
FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/Smart-Containers-157874458234951/
TWITTER: https://twitter.com/SMARC_ICO
author: muhammadsosa
profil link: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1914532
eth: 0x8056b4866D50eBCE01D33EDc967D38a6Bf724420
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