Alphateca is a global crypto market where every user can act as a buyer or seller by selling or buying various services or goods using crypto currency. Imagine that you only need 10 minutes to make a personal wallet (link) without coming home, visiting Alphateca and offering your own tablet, car, yacht, composition song, or rare artifacts from popular computer games to bring it with just a few clicks to sell! Tens of thousands of people see their things every day - someone will definitely like them. In a very short time, you can find buyers, get paid with a crypto wallet, and safely buy the items you need from hundreds of categories in the crypto market.
He also works with other types of goods, such as digital intellectual property. You can distribute audio, e-books, computer games, photos, and more with crypto currencies all over the world. Alphateca is a great way to monetize your creative potential. Among the hundreds of thousands of users around the world, there are people who value your creativity and can buy copies for themselves.
In Alphateca, cryptocurrency itself can be a commodity - for example, you sell a few coins of Ethereum and decide how many other cryptocurrency you want. This process is similar to currency exchange but allows you to avoid commissions and delays because it is a swap transaction.
In general, Alphateca is an international trading platform where users can sell or buy any product with the appropriate cryptocurrency, saving time and money.
Characteristics of Alphateca
Working with Alphateca is based on two principles: loyalty to fiduciary money and a global desire to promote the use of cryptocurrency in everyday life. Starting your work on the Alphateca platform is quite simple. An easy-to-use interface, familiar images and simple language will allow you to understand basic principles in just a few minutes.
We have prepared a modern and comfortable support section for you, which includes all the material needed to explore the cryptosphere through articles and videos. Answers to frequently asked questions (FAQ) can be found on the website, in the appropriate section. You can discuss problems or suggestions to improve the website in the forum. Active forum users receive special ratings and achievements in their accounts.
This platform has several free functions: article placement, auction, etc., but there are also paid services, such as advertisements, shop making, guarantor, and some others. You can use it with cryptocurrency or tokens, which can be obtained during the ICO campaign. Every user who supports Alphateca from anywhere for a fee will receive bonus tokens, individual achievements, which are displayed on the profile and that affect the rank and general level of trust in the account.
Alphateca's future development platform?
Cryptographic communities are closed and incomprehensible, but in reality, everything is simple and clear when someone wants to explain it. To expose your potential on the Alphateca platform, we have prepared detailed guides to our YouTube channel. There you can find basic concepts related to the crypto world, answers to frequently asked questions
Alphateca YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCw9BtN0urmARhXvJqKYuBiw
Function of Alphateca
The collaboration with Alphateca is based on two principles: loyalty to paper money and a global desire to promote the use of cryptocurrency in everyday life.
Starting your work on the Alphateca platform is quite easy. An easy-to-use interface, familiar images and simple language allows you to understand basic principles in just minutes. We have prepared a support area that is modern and comfortable for you, which contains all the materials needed to explore the crypto area through articles and videos. Answers to Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) can be found on the website in the appropriate section. You can discuss issues or suggestions to update the site on the forum. Active forum users receive special ratings and achievements displayed on their accounts.
This platform has several free features: item placement, auction, etc., but there are also paid services such as advertising, shopfitting, guarantees and some others. You can use it with cryptocurrency or tokens that can be obtained during the ICO campaign. Anyone who supports Alphateca from anywhere with a certain fee will receive the bonus token, individual achievements that will be displayed on the profile, and affect the overall ranking and trust in the account.
User features of the alfateca platform
The crypto community only looks closed and incomprehensible, but in reality everything is simple and clear when someone wants to explain it. To show off your potential on the Alphateca platform, we have prepared detailed tutorials on our YouTube channel. There you will find basic concepts for the crypto world, answers to frequently asked questions.
Technique Token ️Alphateca [ATEC]?
Encryption based on the Alphateca [ATEC] is based on Ethereum [ERC-20]. ATEC tokens have limited broadcasts. This is a utility token, can be used for addresses in projects, but can be moved on the site. . Cannot use external tokens.

Technical description of ATEC tokens
General information
We present ATEC cryptographic tokens based on the Ethereum platform. ATEC tokens have limited emissions. This is a utility token, it can be used for settlements only in projects, but can be moved on the website. (We also do not prohibit ICO participants from transferring ATEC tokens between wallets). Tokens cannot be used outside the website. All unsold tokens will be destroyed. Tokens can only be used once.
ICO buyers transfer ETH through smart contracts and receive ATEC tokens, as well as bonuses according to the amount and day of payment in return. Then the buyer registers on the Alphateca website, selects the function to fill the token balance in the personal account and transfers the ATEC token to the address that is made personally in his account, thus adding to the account's internal balance.
Important: A list of acceptable Ethereum wallets can be found on the ICO participant account.
Important: Don't use exchange cryptowallets for ICO because you won't be able to get tokens.
Procedure Procedure
KYC and AML and AML AMC will be conducted by the Alphateca team. You can read more about this in the relevant section.
Emission and distribution of ATEC tokens
Full emission - 177 000 000 ATEC
Pre-Sales - 19 000 000 ATEC
ICO - 155 000 000 ATEC
Bounty - 1 500 000 Cards
ATEC - 1 500 000 ATEC Prizes
ICO tokens and Bounty tokens will not be blocked. Tokens will be paid to all participants two weeks later after the end of the ICO.
Gift card tokens will be blocked until the pin code is entered in the user's personal account.

Pre-Sales (June 15-25).
Fixed bonus - 25%.
Limit tokens - 19 000 000 ATEC (sold around 15000 000 ATEC)
1 ETH = 7,000 ATEC
0.079 BTC = 7 000 ATEC
Minimum purchase - 0.5 ETH
ICO (1 July - 1 August)

Token Limit - 125 000 000 ATEC (sold around ATEC 100 000 000).
Bonus for time and amount added.
1 ETH = 7,000 ATEC
0.079 BTC = 7 000 ATEC
Estimated cost of tokens in fiat - $ 0.075 (exchange rate of ETH 525 $)
SoftCap - 1 000 000 $
HardCap - 10 000 000 $
In the case of a maximum bonus, we can sell 124 000 000 ATEC. Minimum purchase - 0.2 ETH
Benefits of initial purchase of tokens
The benefit for our token buyer is the ability to transfer it to another user account. Therefore, every user can install their tokens for sale on our website for the cryptocurrency needed.
You can read more about the benefits in the Chapter "Benefits for ICO participants".
Distribution of funds collected
- Geographic expansion project - 45%
- Website function development - 25%
- Offline activity and charity - 10%
- Equipment upgrade - 10%
- Legal support - 5%
- Team bonus - 3%
- Reservation - 2%
Further development of the project:
Development depends on the results of the ICO.
Up to $ 1,000,000: funds raised will be used for further project development: equipment, specialists needed, expansion of technical support, translation into foreign languages, expansion to Germany, France, Italy, Spain, Austria.
From 2 000 000 to 4 000 000 $: an important part of the funds collected will be used to expand geographical presence in European Union and Pacific countries, as well as in Australia and Latin America.
5 000 000 $ and above: funds will be used for automatic bidding on smart contracts, implementation of Guaranteed Services on smart and multi-signature contracts, application of automatic suspension on smart and multi-signature contracts, expansion into Asia and Scandinavia.
- December 1, 2017 - Birth of ideas
- January 15, 2018 - Platform prototype
- March 15, 2018 - Turning ideas into technical tasks
- April 1, 2018 - Collect all team members
- May 1 2018 - The first alpha version of the project
- May 22 2018 - First presentation from the team at the Expo Forum
- June 1, 2018 - Technical launch of the project
- June 10, 2018 - Launch of a production version with paid service functions, personal announcements, moderation and support services
- June 14 2018 - Introduction to shops, auctions, auctions
- June 15, 2018 - Launch of Pre-Sales, expansion to Germany, France
- July 1, 2018 - Launch of the ICO, an offline event to support the project, add training material to the website
- July 2018 - Attract retail stores and buyers for the project, add iOS and Android applications, expand the geography of the project to Austria, Italy
- August 2018 - Launch of services to exchange tokens and ATEC services, add sales / video video reviews to projects, meetings, joint purchases, expansion of the geography of the project to Scandinavian countries.
- September 2018 - Adding webinars, new advertising tools, expanding the geography of the project to the UK
- October 2018 - Preparation for New Year sales, preparation of events with ticket sales through the website, expansion of the geography of the project to Japan
- November 2018 - Carry out events, expand the geography of the project to Turkey, India
- December 2018 - Implementation of gift cards and corporate gift products for the New Year
- 2019 first quarter - Introduction of new sales tools, preparation of the "real estate / goods rental" category, extension of the geography of the project to Latin America
- 2019 second quarter - Extending the geography of the project to China
- 2019 third and fourth quarters - Adapting websites for possible offline purchases.

author: muhammadsosa
eth: 0x8056b4866D50eBCE01D33EDc967D38a6Bf724420
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