Digitization is a blockchain-based and cryptocurrency-based ecosystem that allows consumers to transform loose changes into virtual currency at the point of transaction. This loose change is poured into Digitize currency, which allows it to be used for payment, loyalty programs and exchanged with Etheruem or ERC20 to be invested in the crypto index.
Functions of the Digitizecoin platform:
- Digitalization of fiat paper money,
- Crypto currency exchange rate (multi-currency safe purse) The app is currently in alpha stage The app will be supported via platforms for android and iOS,
- Sale of goods and services for crypto currency using smart contract system.Thus, customers and sellers will be able to conduct transactions without risk and cost-effective, and simplicity and ease Digitizecoin's Platform will raise new levels of relationship between parties to transactions, thereby improving the quality of service, and will also contribute to the development of kriptovalyutnogo market.For the development of the Digitizecoin platform, the project authors suggest the use of: 1) a system for providing goods and services suppliers for transactions; 2) mechanisms for cross-marketing; 3) feedback systems, by encouraging consumer tokens that enable suppliers to know their needs and develop thus Your business.The authors of the project plan to create Digitizecoin - DTZ tokens with a built-in deflation mechanism that can be used to purchase crypto services in the Digitizecoin ecosystem. Users will also be able to personally exchange DTZ tokens on exchanges that support this token, or store them.
The problem with what is currently
Although it is quite frustrating to carry around, it remains valuable and throwing it does not make sense. Digitalization seeks to resolve this issue by allowing you to save changes at the point of transaction, directly to your own digital wallet and allow you to convert them to another currency or use them for future payments.
Digitizing coins would be a very useful solution when many governments around the world are looking to digitize their national currency because of the cost of creating, distributing and securing their currency, Digitize is a channel for loose world change.
Over the years, statistics show that in a survey of more than 2,000 individuals, nearly half did not like to carry coins. In addition, research shows that Australian adults lose an average of sixty dollars per year in coins, which amount to $ 466 million dollars annually.
It wants to be eradicated by digitizing the coins by developing a service that helps consumers change the coins to crypto and remove the frustration of bringing and storing the coins completely. By making this process a simple and seamless experience, they aim to bring people into the world of one transaction crypto at a time. The world will be diverted from a cash-based society to a digital society. The platform targets the public and consumers directly by solving real-world problems. Most cryptocurrencies today are heavy and elusive technology for the average consumer, which is a barrier to the adoption of technology in general, but this will not be a problem as digitizing will offer an easy and seamless experience
"In a survey of more than 2,000 people, nearly half did not choose coins."
"Australian adults lose an average of $ 60 a year unchanged, which is equivalent to 466 million a year."
Original sign for crypto currency
Digitize allows consumers to change free changes in Digitize token. The Digitize bookmark can then be used as a payment system or contribute to the loyalty / reward program of the reseller.
Very easy!
Imagine you go to the nearest grocery store and buy a product for $ 22.50. You only pay $ 30 cash. The resulting change of $ 7.50 can be sent directly to your wallet for digital recording by writing your phone on the Digitize scanner. The changes will be saved directly to your digital wallet.
Saved Digitize token can be used as payment, contribute to reward program, or use Etheruem for exchange.
Existing electronic processes, adopted by many retail payment gateways to transfer funds during the point of sale, cover more than 10 long steps. However, this long process can be shortened by using only blockchain technology. With the help of blockchain, trustfulness and efficiency of the retail payment process can rise to the next level. Also, this revolutionary technology helps in processing payments or making transactions at higher speeds while lowering related costs. Digitization uses blockchain to ensure that loose changes are converted to crypto coins at high speed.
Exchange platform
The platform even has its own exchange platform powered by smart contracts. Under this contract, this exchange will release payments while enforcing the highest standards of transparency and security at all times. Plus, this exchange is designed to ensure that trades using DTZ tokens occur without interruption.
Smart contract
This ecosystem will develop various templates from various smart contracts. With the help of this smart-contract template, platform functionality will be fully efficient. Furthermore, the platform will create a peer-to-peer structure that is best suited for the decentralized nature of the ecosystem. All these steps will ultimately improve digital commerce.
The Digitize platform can be set on any portable mobile device for merchants to use independently of their POS system. This will allow merchants to accept Digitize without having to experience changes to their payment arrangements. The Digitize Device will allow users to be able to pay and deposit funds to and from the merchant cryptocurrency purse. Merchants will also be able to allocate and assign Digitize token to consumers as part of their loyalty program and promotion.

Decentralized networks use cryptography for security and allow transactions between retailers and consumers to have ownership and can be verified. The Consensus Protocol creates a shared and trusted platform for community members to collaborate openly and exchange data through the Digitize network. Smart Contracts will allow peer-to-peer transactions to be trusted, with ability to scale based on award set / promotion. Smart contracts will also allow enriched interaction among community members.


One of the main factors why many governments want to move away from physical currency is the highest cost involved in making coins and notes. Quite funny some if the coins and bite cost more to produce than what they actually deserve.
Today, the production of banknotes is worth 35.3 billion. dollars per year. In a typical retail value chain, participants cost money 13% higher than the nominal price of money.
Consumers are not comfortable carrying coins and coins, besides, they are always missing. According to Australian scientist statistics, only one adult loses about $ 60 per year!
Most people try to use credit cards in everyday life. On the way overseas is very comfortable and safe.
The creators of bitcoin suggest possible alternatives to Fiatu. But to buy and use the crypto currency under current conditions is a difficult technical process. Therefore, Digitize's goal is to make the Fiat exchange process for tokens simple and fast and to reduce the cost of making money.
Imagine you go to a store, buy a product and pay a cell phone to the censor for payment, money is removed from the crypto currency purse.
ICO Digitize Coin
To finance the project on the Digitize platform, a DTZ token will be created. It is planned to issue 200 million units. The distribution of common tokens is as follows:
- 60% will go to ICO;
- 20% will be distributed among developers and Digitize owners (this amount will be frozen);
- 5% - payments for outside consultant services;
- 3% will be used to finance the bonus program;
- 2% will go into management;
- 10% will remain a reserve for unexpected expenses.
The starting price of 1 DTZ is set at 0.0002 ETH.
Initial token sales start - 6.04.18. The team allocates 10 percent of the total planned for all ICOs at this stage. The first token can be purchased at a discount of 25 percent. Minimum purchase volume set - tokens for the amount of 0.1 ETH.
The main sales phase will start on 04/05/18. All tokens provided, but not sold at the primary stage of sale, will be burned.
The creators of ecosystems set a special discount if the total purchase price starts at 50 ETH.




author: muhammadsosa
eth: 0x8056b4866D50eBCE01D33EDc967D38a6Bf724420
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